In October 2015, we felt the call of God to join together as a body of believers and form Risen Life Church, with Steve Pawlak as our lead pastor.  By loving the way Jesus loves, we hope to reach the people in Longview, one heart at a time, with the compelling, simple, and unwavering message of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

These Are Our Beginnings...

Sunday October 18, 2015
The Gleghorn's Home

For our very first church service together as a new body of believers,  we met at the Gleghorn's home in Kilgore, TX.  We sang, testified, prayed, and encouraged one another in the Lord.  

We ate pulled pork sandwiches and roast on their covered patio.  The guys and the youth hosted a very competitive game of washers while the women got to visit with one another.  At our church meeting we voted on our new church name!

We are Risen Life Church.


Sunday October 25, 2015
The Pawlak's Home

For our second service together, we met at the Pawlak's home in Longview, TX.  We had a wonderful time of worship, prayer, testimonies, and teaching.  

We ate nachos with all the "fixins".  After lunch, we passed a microphone around the room for each person to share their testimony, where they came from, and their heart.  It was a truly memorable time in the Lord.  We were beginning to grow into a new, living, breathing body of Christ. 


Sunday November 1, 2015
The Gleghorn's Home

Our first Fall Festival was held at the Gleghorn's home in Kilgore, TX.  

We began with sweet time of praise and worship.  We ate chili on the covered patio while it rained liked crazy.  But the rain didn't stop us!  We returned indoors to play our "get to know you" game.  We laughed until we cried.  Apparently the Hubbard family is extremely good at guessing games!  Beware!  A fabulous and fun time was had by all. 


Sunday  November 8, 2015
Holiday Inn Express

Our first service at the Holiday Inn Express was Sunday, November 8, 2015.  

We sang several of our favorite songs, including:  Nothing Is Impossible by Planet Shakers, Great Are You Lord by All Sons and Daughters, The More I Seek You by Kari Jobe, and Set A Fire by Will Reagan.  

Pastor Steve preached from Judges Chapter 6 on Gideon and his obedience and faith.  God will give us peace and rest, and the peace God gives us makes His calling easier for us to do.  


Sunday January 3, 2016
1308 Reel Rd, Longview Tx

Our first service at our new location on Reel Rd was Sunday, January 3, 2016.

What a celebration!  It was a new year and a new beginning for us as a body of Christ.  We finally had a place to call our home.

The presence of the Lord was so evident that morning.  Worship was wonderful and sweet.  Pastor Steve encouraged us to be obedient to do whatever the Lord is calling each of us to do.  "We are not playing the part, we are the part."

The biggest celebration of all was at the altar call when a dear friend gave his life to the Lord!  All the angels in heaven were rejoicing with us!  In conclusion, we prayed for one another and shared in communion together.

Behold!  God is doing a brand NEW thing!